Presentation of the Diocese
The diocese of Ruhengeri covers the same territorial area as the former Province of Ruhengeri. It is located in Northwest Rwanda in the Northern Province with a small portion in the Western Province, (Nyabihu District). It has an area of 1,665.06 Km² and is bordered on the North by Uganda, on the North-West by the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), on the South-East by the former Province of Kigali Rural, at the East by the former Byumba Province, at the West by the former... Lire plusNames | Foundation date | Patron Saint | Parish priest | Adreses |
BUMARA | 2012 |
Notre dame de KIBEHO |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri Tél. : 0788422137 |
BUSOGO | 1963 |
N.D. de Guadeloupe Clergé diocésain |
Abbé Charles Clément NIYIGENA |
Tél. :0788874575 |
BUTETE | 2014 |
Saint Jean Paul II |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
GAHUNGA | 1986 |
Jésus Miséricordieux Pères Carmes déchaux |
Père Jean Marie Vianney UWAMANGU, Ocd |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
JANJA | 1935 |
Mater Divinae Gratiae |
Abbé Bonaventure TWAMBAZIMANA |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
KAMPANGA | 1986 |
Sacré Cœur de Jésus |
Abbé Théoneste MUNYANKINDI |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
KINONI | 1951 |
Saint Joseph |
Père Wenceslas TEGERA, Sac |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
MWANGE | 1986 |
Marie Reine dela Paix |
Abbé Ferdinand HAGABIMANA |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
NEMBA | 1938 |
Notre dame des Sept Douleurs Pères Lazaristes |
Père Alexandre UZINGABIYE, C.M |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
NYAKINAMA | 1970 |
Christ-Roi Pères Mariens |
Père André TOKARCZYK, mic |
B.P. 1 Ruhengeri |
RUHENGERI | 1954 |
Notre Dame de Fatima Clergé diocésain |
Abbé Emmanuel NDAGIJIMANA |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
RUNABA | 1956 |
Immaculée Conception Clergé diocésain |
A. Jean Bosco MUNEZA |
Tél. : 0788744433 |
RWAZA | 1903 |
Notre Dame de l’Assomption |
Abbé Laurent UWAYEZU |
B.P. 45 Ruhengeri |
Population | 865 720 |
Baptisés Catholiques | 350 424 |
Catéchumènes | 6009 |
Total catholiques | 354 770 |
% des Catholiques/Pop Totale | 41 |
Paroisses | 13 |
Centrales | 2 811 |
Com. Eclésiales de Base (CEB) | 2 811 |
Prêtres | |
Prêtres diocésains | 70 |
Prêtres religieux | 11 |
Religieux | 2 |
Religieuses | 89 |
Communautés des frères | 1 |
Communautés des sœurs | 17 |
Catéchistes | 523 |
Grands Séminaristes | 58 |
Membres des Mouvements d’Action Catholique (MAC) | 170 418 |
Ecoles | |
Ecoles maternelles | 32 |
Ecoles primaires | 102 |
Ecoles secondaires | 58 |
Ecoles supérieures laiques | 1 |
Formations Sanitaires de l’Eglise | |
Centre de Santé | 9 |
Centres nutritonnels | 7 |
Hôpital | 1 |